The lack of fully fleshed out characters and setting definitely hurt it, but it’s still worth a look for anyone wanting their puzzles with some dating (or vice versa), regardless if they are a fan of the genre or not. Overall Hunie Pop was a fun little romp with some cute girls and addicting gameplay. Occasionally those two identities feel at odds with each other, but for the most part they work in concert to show you a good time. HuniePop is pornography – darn fine pornography at that – but it’s also a shockingly good puzzle game. More than 250 items to collect, unlock, purchase or even give as gifts.Get to customize the girl’s outfits and appearance.Thousands of dialog lines that are professionally voice acted.Charming hand-painted environment with about 20 in-game locations.File size 798.44 KB Mime type application/zip Other info Zip archive data, at least v2. Eight beautiful ladies to meet each with their own styles and personalities. File information File name huniepop2-doubledatev1.0-v1.0.4plus23tra.

She gives you some dating advice and sends you out into the dating world.

Your pitiful attempt at picking up a disguised magic fairy named Kyu ended up in her helping you to meet women. HuniePop 2: Double Date Free Download (v1.1. HuniePop is a mix of genres: puzzle game, light RPG, visual novel and part dating sim.